
Mission of P.U.R.E.

Our Mission is to teach and show this generation how to live a life of purity. Through our products you can encourage and remind yourself, your children & mentees that they too can create a legacy that will live forever; helping and transforming one youth at a time. 

Meet the founder

Luis Palacio, remembers growing up in the rough streets of Brooklyn and being what they call "a product of his environment." Growing up he felt his life would be shortened due to the surrounding violence. Being a young angry boy, he didn't have many role models to emulate and those that he did have weren't the best to follow after. Luis grew up struggling in school and many other areas in life. As a teenager, Luis decided he wanted to live a life of purity for Christ. This decision affected not only his life, but the life of young men and women around him. They admired the example he set hence the acronym P.U.R.E. Purity Under Righteous Example.